ThHutcheson Household Update 02: Isaiah Mark Hutcheson

Posted: September 28, 2010 in Uncategorized

At 4:55 p.m. on September 25, little Isaiah Mark Hutcheson was welcomed into the world, coming three weeks early.

This is his story.

Am’s water broke around 2 that morning and we knew our delivery journey had begun. After her water broke, we attempted to get some more rest (of course, after putting new sheets on). When we could not sleep, we decided to finish some things in the baby’s room which we had yet to do. So, we hung curtains as Amber’s contractions intensified.

We made our way to Gerber Memorial Hospital around 10:30 and Am was soon gowned up and laying in the bed she would deliver in. We were pumped for our baby’s arrival, but nothing but God’s faithfulness could prepare us for the following hours of labor and pushing Amber would persevere through.

Amber felt convicted to do a natural childbirth. Thus, in the weeks leading up to labor, we read through together The Bradley Method which helped us become as informed and prepared as we could for doing a natural birth. Apart from this, Amber also read several other books. I had my baby reading assignments as well. The Expectant Father and The Birth Partner were the books I was reading through (from one former expectant father to other expecting fathers, you may want to read books on birthing to prepare, for it will be nice to know a little more than it’s your wife who delivers when she goes into labor). At the appointed time, however, God saw us prepared enough for labor, despite not having completed any of the books we were reading through!

Am was dilated at 4 centimeters when we arrived at the hospital and almost completely effaced. After 2 hours of intense contractions, she was then dilated to 6 centimeters. Then, when the doctor came in only 45 minutes later, he asserted these comforting words “She’s complete!” She was now dilated to 10 centimeters and it was now time to begin pushing and delivering our baby.

My dear, sweet wife pushed for over two hours. Pardon me. My Arnold Schwarzenegger strong, Rambo tough, and sharp as nails wife pushed for over two hours!

I knew I married wonder woman months before we walked down the aisle over a year ago, but this past Saturday re-defined Amber Christine being the wonder woman I find her to be. She embraced each contraction and kept before her the desire to see her baby boy. Words are too poor to describe the pain and uncomfortable state she was in, but nevertheless, my Am endured and did whatever it took to get our son to us safely.

A word on delivery: Watching Amber deliver Isaiah was the most selfless act of love I have ever witnessed. As I watched her in agony and sweating, I could only compare this selfless act to the crucifixion of our Lord – the ultimate selfless act. Each time Amber pushed, the doctor and nurses took note of the baby’s heart rate which dropped significantly. They asked her – without option – to try different positions. They later told us they actually had called the C-Section doctor in case Amber could not find a position which kept the baby’s heart rate up. But thankfully, she found that position and our little guy’s heart rate staid strong and thrived even during the contractions. This position, amongst the ones she had to try, was extremely uncomfortable. But again, Amber, as selfless as I know her to be took it to a higher level as she pushed for what seemed like an eternity in an uncomfortable position until we heard a little cry from our son. Such a Christlike act it was to watch my wife give birth. If  I were to take my life’s greatest experience and multiply it by 10, only then would I perhaps be coming close to how incredible it is to witness the birth of your own child.

I cannot be more proud of Amber and I cannot be more proud to say she is my wife. Indeed, she is the sheltering tree of grace in my life from which the fruit of God’s kindness is regularly produced. Indeed, she is my better – and stronger – half.

Well, all this pushing must come to a climax, right? It truly did. Right before our son was born, we heard the most encouraging words ever from the doctor: “Amber, your baby will be born on the next contraction.” At 4:55 p.m., Isaiah was born, weighing in at 6 pounds and 11 ounces, and was 18 1/2 inches long. He was alert, calm, and even had hair! (Am and I were both bald newborns, hence, we were shocked!)

As he laid on Amber, I stood alongside my mother-in-law (Stacy) and sister-in-law (Katelyn) marveling at newborn Isaiah.

Already Isaiah is over three days old! He has done well feeding and has endured several photo shoots. Amber and I want to thank everyone who has prayed for us during her pregnancy. Truly, the prayers of your family in Christ during a time of need are as the chain which connects our heart and faith to the Anchor of our soul. We thank you and are thankful for you.

As for me, my greatest blessing and manifestation of God’s grace in my life is Amber. As for Amber and I, our greatest blessing in life thus far, which leaves us jaw-dropped and stunned at the greatness of God and his craftsmanship is our son – Isaiah Mark.

The picture next to Isaiah is of Amber when she was born. It's obvious he received her good looks!

  1. Donna Dickinson says:

    Congratulations Andrew and Amber!! Isaiah Mark is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your blessing and pictures!!!! Jennifer looks great for a grandmother!!! 🙂 (So does Amber’s mom, I just am terrible with names and can’t remember hers!!!!) 🙂

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